Child-Inclusive Services
A weed or a wish?
Child-Inclusive services help parents and professionals understand how children experience separation and divorce differently.
The research shows that even parents who are very connected to their children, and want the best for them, can have a difficult time understanding how their child is experiencing the breakup of their family. A child-inclusive process with a professional trained especially to meet with children (NOT interview them) can provide invaluable experience that sets your entire family up for a process that meets everyone’s needs.
Child-Inclusive Mediation
This process includes meeting with both parents and meetings with your child(ren). This allows the child's voice to be heard in the mediation process. Individual meetings with the children follow a specific structure to ensure feedback given to parents is the child's own words and desires. This process is only appropriate with parents who have a certain level of receptiveness. Please call or email for more information about this unique opportunity.
This process includes meetings with each parent (together or separate), 2-3 meetings with the child/ren where our conversations are focused on their experience of the changes in their family, their personality and their needs The process concludes with a feedback session to either just the parents or to the parents and their mediator. The hallmark of this process is a voice, not a choice. Please call or email for more information about Child Specialist services.